CSV File Generator
Enter the total number of rows that you want to generate
Why generate test data?
You should always have a good volume of mocked up data when testing your application. This will help catch performance issues in your code early on in the cycle as well as issues with the UI. Maybe you need to use a larger width to display the name of your customer because you saw that some customers have long names which are getting trimmed. Or maybe you see that you dont have enough space in your DB for the addresses you want to store.
Is having realistic data really important?
If you are trying to showcase your project as a real time application, it adds a lot of value to actually show realistic names, addresses and data instead of random alphabets typed out in a hurry by you. Creating data and testing it on your app will also add realstic issues like an apostrophe in a name or address which your code might not be able to handle.
Why use CSV Data Generator?
The CSV Data Generator is Light, Easy and Customizable with absolutely NO registration. Other data
generators available either do not have the various options provided here OR try and get you to sign
in and pay for the more advanced features which are available here for absolutely free!!
This is a light-weight solution and all the data gets created entirely on the client side using
Vanilla Javascript.
How many rows/columns can I generate?
The CSV Data Generator is a light weight application that has been built using vanilla Javascript. You can create as much data as you like but your browser could crash if you are trying to create 1 trillion records for a bunch of columns! So go easy :)
How can I see the code?
Head right down to the github repository in the footer and check it out